Volunteer Ride Programs in Metro Vancouver
(For Volunteer Ride Programs - Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands click here; for Rest of B.C. click here)
Photo credit to Geoffrey Wang
We work with agencies to help ensure that seniors can turn to reliable transportation services run by and for local people. Each ride program is different because each is designed to address needs unique to its community. Contacts are listed with more information available through the links provided. Are you an agency listed here that wants to update your information? Let us know!
Burnaby Community Services- Click here for their Seniors Transportation Program
Burnaby Seniors’ Transportation is an affordable and convenient transportation service for seniors living in Burnaby who have difficulty with, or cannot afford to take public or other means of transportation. This service assists seniors to and from medical related appointments located in various areas throughout the Lower Mainland.
Contact: Seniors’ Transportation Phone: 604.292.3901
Citizen Support Services- City of Burnaby (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Transportation and Light Housekeeping services for Burnaby residents 65+ year old living independently. Fees for services apply determined on a sliding scale, based on the individual’s income.
To register contact Better at Home: 604.297.4877 or Email: betterathome@burnaby.ca
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody (Tri-Cities)
SHARE Family and Community Services (Better at Home Program). Click here for more information.
Transportation to doctor’s appointments across Metro Vancouver for seniors who are:
65 years old or older
Living in their own home (clients in assisted or independent living don’t qualify)
Resident of the Tri-Cities area (Coquitlam, Port Moody, Port Coquitlam and the villages of Anmore and Belcarra).
Volunteer drivers, fee for service basis.
Pre-registration is required (intakes are done in person only at the senior’s home or at SHARE office).
To register as a participant and/or to book a ride contact:
Tri-Cities Better at Home: 604.936.3900 ext.202 or Direct: 604.937.6991
Email: betterathome@sharesociety.ca
Address: 2615 Clarke St., Port Moody BC V3H 1Z4
Delta Assist (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Volunteer driver service (with a fee) to medical appointments for seniors that do not have any other means of transportation (such as HandyDART, friends or family) to medical appointments. The cost for this service covers the mileage costs the volunteer driver incurs and is based on the distance of the trip. Parking fees are also the responsibility of the senior.
Contact Seniors Services Office: 604.946.9526 or click here to fill in their contact form on their website (mentioning your area of interest).
Click here for information about other services, including grocery shopping offered by Delta Assist.
Delta Seniors Bus. Click here for more information.
The Delta Seniors Pus program is a free transportation service for seniors 65+ living in Delta. The bus makes curbside stops to pick up and drop off seniors who have booked the service. It offers easy access to local medical services, recreation centres, shopping locations and other community amenities within Delta.
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4p.m.
All rides are subject to availability. Priority will be given to those who may have mobility issues, live in isolation, or who rely on others for transportation. The buses have several seats and room for walkers, wheelchairs and scooters, and are equipped with an automatic lift.
For service in North Delta phone: 604.353.6305 on Thursdays between 9a.m. - 4p.m.
For service in South Delta phone: 604.358.8765 on Tuesdays between 9a.m. - 4p.m.
Langley Seniors Resources Society (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Transportation to appointments – volunteer drivers pick you up at home and take you to your appointment, then return you home. You are invoiced monthly for the fee for the gas that applies to your situation. Better at Home program is funded by the BC Government to help seniors remain at home longer. These services can be subsidized on a sliding scale based on your annual household income. Click here to see the Better at Home brochure.
To register phone: 604.530.3020 Ext.302, 305 or 306
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services Society (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Transportation to medical appointments and/or accompanied grocery shopping.
Eligibility: Must be 65 years or older and residing in Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows. Must be able to get in and out of the volunteer vehicle with limited assistance. Registration to the Better at Home program is required.
Cost is based on a sliding scale according to the individual’s income level. Parking fees are the responsibility of the senior.
Contact: Program Director Joanne Leginus 604.467.6911 ext. 1206, or Community Support Worker/Admin. Assistant Susan Wood 604.467.6911 ext. 1232
Email: jleginus@comservice.bc.ca or swood@comservice.bc.ca
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society- Transportation Program. Click here for more information.
The Seniors Helping Seniors group at RMSS coordinates a friendly, affordable, transportation service for its members within Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge.
For RMSS members only. ($25 a year or free for those 90+ - still need to register)
For transportation schedule click here to see the Grapevine newsletter. Please call to book at least one day ahead.
Reimbursement for drivers is a minimum $8 round trip or one way. Higher amounts may apply due to added time and distance.
For more information contact RMSS Reception: 604.467.4993.
New Westminster
Seniors Services Society (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
An escorted door-to-door volunteer driver service available for residents of New Westminster aged 60+ for medical and medically-related services.
Fee for service:
$15.00 return trip locally with in New Westminster
Minimum charge is $15.00 or $.80 per kilometre to/from New West to adjacent or neighbouring communities. If minimum charge is met and kilometres are over the minimum charge, then the cost will equal what the kilometres travelled are.
Cost of trips are on a sliding scale based on income.
Client is responsible for the additional cost of parking.
For more information, to register, or to see if you are eligible for a subsidy, please contact the office at 604.520.6621 or Email: support@seniorsservicessociety.ca
North Shore (North and West Vancouver)
Capilano Community Services Society- Volunteer Driver program. Click here for more information.
Accompanied transportation to medical appointments for seniors who need assistance. Primarily for seniors who are isolated or partially impaired and cannot use other means of transportation. Minimum 48 hours required.
For booking or information: 604.988.7115 ext.29 or Email: melanie@capservices.ca
North Shore Community Resources (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
A non-profit service supporting the independence of persons residing on the North Shore who are aged 65 and over or who are between the ages of 55-64 and on disability assistance. Charges are one-way and based on income. Vehicles and drivers are not usually able to accommodate wheelchairs or heavy walkers. Pre-registration is required.
Phone: 604.985.7138 or Email: Rosanna.Wilbur@nscr.bc.ca.
North Shore Seniors Rideline. Click here for more information.
For seniors who find it difficult to get to appointments, activities and services on and off the North Shore. A fee is charged, and financial circumstances are considered and can be reduced or waived. Funded by the Government of Canada, and in part by the New Horizons for Seniors Program, to help find the needed ride.
Contact by phone: 604.345.9626
Silver Harbour Seniors Activity Centre (North Vancouver). Click here for more information.
GO BUS is a shuttle bus service that assists seniors in accessing community resources such as shopping, seniors’ centres, grocery stores, pharmacies, and other destinations. Eligibility is for seniors aged 65+ who have limited transportation. The GO BUS operates during the daytime on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the densest areas of North Vancouver. There is no charge to ride the GO BUS, but donations are appreciated. Click here to access the Go Bus brochure.
For more information or to book a ride phone: 778.230.1852
Seniors Shuttle Bus (West Vancouver). Click here for more information.
The Shuttle Bus offers a convenient, friendly and affordable service for seniors to easily access the Seniors’ Activity Centre, and local businesses including financial institutions, grocery stores and doctors’ offices around West Vancouver.
This scheduled shuttle service operates weekdays: 8:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. around Ambleside and Dundarave. A donation of $2 per person for each pick up is recommended. Monthly donors of $25 receive a sticker on their membership cards recognizing their contribution. Tax receipts are available for donations of $25 or more.
For more information phone call 604.925.7280.
Click here for the Shuttle Bus schedule.
Special Services Society. Click here for more information.
Volunteers provide transportation to medical and dental appointments to frail West Vancouver senior residents. One week advance notice is required.
Contact: 604.925.7281
Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Screened volunteer drivers transport clients to and from medical appointments, recreational activities, community events, and more. While the service primarily operates within Richmond, driver can also take clients to medical appointments outside of Richmond. There is a fee for each ride, with subsidies available for low-income clients.
For information, registration, and bookings contact: 604.279.7021
For Grocery Shopping service contact: 604.279.7020
Squamish Nation and Tseil-Waututh Nation
Squamish Nation-Tsleil-Waututh Nation: Squamish Nation Yúustway Health Services/ Tsleil-Waututh Nation Health Department (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Volunteer driver service to medical appointments for members and residents of Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nation.
Contact: Program Coordinator - Corinne Visscher
Phone: 604.982.0332 or Email: Corinne_Visscher@squamish.net
Address: 9A 380 Welch Street, West Vancouver, B.C. V7P 0A7
DIVERSEcity (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Provides non-medical services to seniors who want to live independently in their homes for a small fee, charged based on the client’s self-declared household income. Many service options are available to support seniors, including: transportation, household help, accompaniment, information and referral, and social activities. Services are delivered through contractors or volunteers who meet DIVERSEcity’s rigorous screening process which includes a Criminal Records Check, interview, reference check, and a Driver’s Abstract review.
Phone: 604-507-2266 or Email: betterathomenewton@dcrs.ca
PICS (Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Non-medical home support services for older adults who live independently, in Surrey-Whalley area. Services are delivered by screened volunteers who have undergone criminal record checks and have a clean driving record.
Transportation on a fee-for-service basis or on a sliding scale based on income level.
Phone: 604-596-7722 ext.132 or Email: narpaljeet.kaur@pics.bc.ca
Click here to access the Better at Home intake form for Surrey/White Rock.
Sources Community Resource Centre- (Hospital-to-Home Program). Click here for more information.
Also known as the Volunteer-Assisted Discharge Program, is designed to support seniors being discharged from Peace Arch Hospital by providing companionship and a ride home. This Program operates in cooperation with the Peace Arch Hospital and the Seniors Come Share Society.
Phone: 604.542.4357 or Email: volunteerservices@sourcesbc.ca
Sources Community Resource Centre- (Volunteer Services Volunteer Wheels). Click here for more information.
Volunteer driving service for residents of White Rock and South Surrey who are unable to use public transit and have no other means of reaching essential medical and dental appointments in the Metro Vancouver area. The volunteer drivers pick up and return clients to their residences. Requests can be made one week to ten days in advance of appointment Monday to Friday 9:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Part of
Phone: 604-542-4357 or Email: help@sourcesbc.ca
Jewish Family Services (JFS) (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Volunteer driver service to medical appointments and assistance with grocery shopping for anyone aged 65+ years residing in the areas of Kerrisdale, Oakridge, Marpole, Dunbar and Southlands (living south of King Edward to the Fraser river and between Blanca and Ontario). Fee for service based on income.
Contact: Better at Home Program Coordinator Cindy McMillan 604.637.3310
Email: cmcmillan@jfsvancouver.ca
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Transportation to medical appointments by trained and screened volunteer drivers and assistance for grocery shopping and more.
Eligibility - Kitsilano Neighbourhood House members aged 65+ years who reside in the catchment area from the ocean to West of Granville Street and North of King Edward Avenue. Fees are on a sliding scale according to the senior’s income.
Contact Sylvie: Phone: 604-736-3588 ext. 603 or Email: sylviek@kitshouse.org
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Seniors can receive assistance with simple non-medical day-to-day tasks so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes. Volunteer companions can be requested for accompaniment to medical appointments. A wait list is in effect.
For registration and information Contact: Better at Home Coordinator Shaelee Gummer: 604.879.8208 ext.104 or Email: sgummer@mpnh.org
Click here to access the client intake form.
Renfrew-Collingwood (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Program is housed at Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce St. Vancouver
For seniors (55+) living in Renfrew-Collingwood.
Seniors Shuttle service offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00a.m. - 3p.m. Rates are based on a sliding scale, based on income.
To register or for more information phone: 604.435.0375 or Email: info@cnh.bc.ca
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
For residents of the South Vancouver area. Volunteers use their own vehicles to transport seniors (65+) to medical appointments and other engagements across Vancouver. Pre-registration required. By appointment. Cost is by sliding scale based on income.
Contact: Jeannie: phone: 604-324-6212 or Email jeannie@southvan.org
Grocery shopping shuttle service is also available for older adults 55+ 2 Fridays per month by appointment. Suggested minimum donation is $5. Contact: jeannie@southvan.org
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Vancouver – Hastings – Sunrise (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Transportation to appointments and weekly grocery shopping trips ($7) for residents in the community of Hastings-Sunrise, located in the north-eastern corner of Vancouver. Eligibility - people 60+ years residing in the community of Hastings – Sunrise within the boundaries of Nanaimo St. east to Boundary Rd. & East Broadway north to the Burrard Inlet (Wall St). Service fees are based on a sliding scale according to the individual’s annual net income.
For information and/or registration phone: Lynn Lin 604.408.7274 ext. 2157 or Email: lynn.lin@success.bc.ca
West End Seniors Network Society (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
Trained volunteer drivers provide seniors living in Vancouver’s West End or Coal Harbour neighbourhoods with transportation to and from medical and other critical appointments. Seniors are responsible for any parking fees. You may be eligible for subsidized services if you are a senior over 55 living in the West End and have mobility challenges which limit your ability to complete day-to-day tasks safely and effectively. Pay by donation. Clients are responsible for any parking fees.
For information and/or registration contact: Better at Home Coordinator Ming Chen: 604.669.5051 or Email: betterathome@wesn.ca
Click here to access client intake form.
Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Better at Home). Click here for more information.
WIDHH-BH volunteers (who are active Deaf and Hard of Hearing seniors) provide companionship, home visits, transportation assistance, facilitated shopping trips, and other outings so that isolated seniors can remain connected to their communities.
Contact: Program Coordinator Tammy Gray Email: tammy.gray@widhh.com
Address: 2125 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V6K 1X9
West Vancouver (See North Shore listings).
Rides for Cancer Patients - Metro Vancouver
Cancer Patient Transportation Program. Click here for more information.
The Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society is a not-for-profit organization providing free, safe, timely and efficient transportation to and from cancer related medical appointments throughout the Lower Mainland.
Areas served: Burnaby & New Westminster (note: unable to drive into Vancouver); North and West Vancouver; Delta, Surrey & White Rock; Tri-Cities - Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody; Langley & Abbotsford; Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; Mission. Mission
Phone Dispatch to book a ride: 604.515.5400
Freemasons of British Columbia and Yukon- Cancer Car Program. Click here for more information.
For Cancer patients to get to medical treatments (not for doctor’s appointments). The freemasons volunteer drivers cover an area that includes Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby and New Westminster in the Lower Mainland; from Campbell River to Victoria on Vancouver Island; and from Kamloops to the USA border in the Interior.
For information on transportation to various treatment centres:
Greater Vancouver: 1.604.872.2034
Vancouver Island: 1.800.663.7892
Thompson-Okanagan: 1.250.712.1101 (Kelowna) / 1.800.299.0188