David vs. Goliath to Make Roads Safer 

David Dunne, a Vancouver resident, dedicated his career to road safety at ICBC and the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation, taking on the laws governing drivers. 

He was instrumental in advocating for enhanced child passenger safety regulations and the expanded use of booster seats for older children. 

“I take pride in the fact that, I know we saved lives, I know we helped increase the safety for children who were being transported in automobiles and the legacy continues,” David says.

David also spearheaded a public awareness campaign to inform older adults about when they should make the difficult decision to hang up the keys and transition to alternative forms of transportation.

“Let’s provide some alternatives that are really senior-friendly and are focused on their pride, their self-worth, their dignity, because those are critical factors when someone is making the transition,” David says.

“We reached out to seniors through workshops that we held with community partners and agencies. We provided resources, materials, and training, and they could hold local workshops for seniors in their community to educate seniors and help them make decisions about their own transportation needs.”

David also informed family doctors about how to initiate conversations regarding driving cessation and worked with DriveABLE- a tool used to identify cognitively impaired drivers.

Empowering doctors to refer to an evidence-based screening and assessment process increased the number of re-examinations exponentially, he says.

Thank you, David, for your tireless dedication and commitment to making our roads safer for all drivers.